Do you have a disconnect between sales and marketing?

It’s not uncommon for sales and marketing teams to stay in their own lanes, but this can inevitably lead to a disconnect that sees a lot of effort go to waste and a lot of opportunities missed. The marketing team is there to make the life of the sales team easier after all, therefore to be on the same page means everybody’s jobs - and lives - can become that little bit simpler.

The marketing team is also there to maintain the public image of a company, and here being on the same page also helps enormously. Sales people are the ones that have the interaction at customer and potential customer level, therefore understanding exactly how to position a company and its offer on those occasions is vital.

The key word is understanding, and here a messaging and positioning exercise can really help to crystallise exactly what it is that needs to be pushed out to the market across the platforms customers use to gain their information. Consistency of messaging and true differentiation from the competition are core to this, and can only be uncovered properly through honest engagement.

To avoid the tail wagging the dog - as it were - bringing in representatives from both teams means everyone can have their input into the final approach and everyone can buy into it before it goes live to the market. The hymn sheet is clear, and everyone is singing from it with the same common goal in mind.

Sound simple? Well, it is and it isn’t. To find out more about the process, why not drop us a line today to discuss further:

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